There were no records of when the house was originally built. It first appeared in an old city plan from the 14/15th century, meaning that it is at least 600 years old. The house was built directly above the old walls of La Cijara, which were part of the Moorish defence walls built as early as the 12th century.

According to the old city plan, there used to be a main gate (Puerta de la ciudad) adjacent to the house leading into the old town (or as it is called, La Ciudad). Remnants of this gate can still be seen today at the main entrance.

There had been some restorations in parts of this section of the wall (Walls of the Cijara or Carmen) which belonged to the walled area corresponding to the medieval medina.  

The house underwent a major reformation by its previous owners in 2007. The reformation was carried out while keeping the original Andalusian façade of the house. The original foundations and stone walls were also maintained, preserving the historical integrity of the property.